

Brain Nutrition Coaching Sessions with Gian

-- Online Worldwide --

Presented by
Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute


Why Enrolling in this Program?

Through years of experience I (Gian) have found that Nutrition Therapy, to be truly effective, requires the inclusion of a strong coaching component. The greatest challenge for the client is not understanding the nutritional principles that control health and happiness, but to apply them successfully in their daily life. This of course is a challenging task for all of us. We are fighting against very engrained habits that can easily bend our will power and wisdom guided intentions. Enrolling in this program will also help you to save a substantial ammount of money. Please continue reading below.

Nutritional Coaching Sessions after the Brief Brain Nutrition Therapy are a practical and effective follow up approach. They help us in the following ways:

• Continue clarifying any confusion regarding our diet and supplement program..
• Making adjustment to both; according to how symptoms respond to the therapy.
• Encourage us to stay motivated and on truck with the program..............................

Actually few things can do so much for our health and happiness. Nutritional Therapy with follow up coaching sessions can completely transform your life.


Gian's fee is $180 for one hour coaching session on Skype or WhatsApp

Students or clients paying 6 sessions in advanced
pay only $150 per session.

Students or clients paying 12 sessions in advanced
pay only $120 per session.

Students or clients paying 24 sessions in advanced
pay only $100 per session.

Further discounts may be available on a one to one basis. If due to your economic situation you need an extra discount please contact Gian.

If you are interested in this program please contact Gian at BrainOptimization###@&&&
(please eliminate all the # and & characters from the above addresses.
They are there to prevent robots from capturing the emails
and use them for spaming purposes.)


Your full commitment to the program is essential and will help you obtain the results you want; so this discount is available only for upfront payments
and no refund of money is guaranteed or promised.


Would you like to become a
Brain Nutrition Counselor as well?

Please continue reading...

-- Healing the Brain with Brain Nutrition --
Gian's Personal Experience



Would you like to become an Embodiment Coach as well?
Please continue reading...

10-Month Certification Courses

All applicable to BOHI's final
"Master Certification in Holistic Life Coaching"

Looking for a new and more fulfilling career in life?
We can help you.

Note: 5-month program
program is also available.

BOHI Teachings

BOHI Teachings are likely the most comprehensive holistic techings available today. They are uniquely suitable for the seeker of Truth and happiness, as well as for those with a humanisitc vocational inclination -- life coaches, wellness coaches, teachers, counselors and healers. The teachings are presented in an efficient format of three 5-Month Certification Courses. These courses address the three fundamental aspects of life -- physical, mental and spiritual. Each certification can be pursued separately. Completion of all three provides certification as a Holistic Life Coach, and includes the three basic certifications in Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, Wellness/Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality.

1- Learn to heal, take care and optimize the human
brain using nutrition.

Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition™ -- Flip Learning

2- Learn to use the brain effectively producing
harmonious, positive thoughts and feelings

Wellness/Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology -- Flip Learning

3- Find out "who" is using the brain and what for. Wake-up
to your True Nature. Attain dis-identification from all the
stories created by the brain, including the story of "me."

Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality -- Flip Learning



The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute offers classes, information and courses with certifications on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering and disorders. Certifications include Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, Life/Wellness Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology and Psychology of Consciousness with Emphasis in Non-Duality. The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute also offers a final "Master Certification in Holistic Life Coaching" for those who complete the three certifications mentioned above.

All classes are presently presented by the
Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute's founder Gian Girardi, MS, MA.
